PRODUCT FOR CATS: Toys are made of silvervine tree twigs. These sticks are long known to be great attractants to cats. Thus, cats are attracted to chewing and playing with sticks. These cat dental toys are completely unprocessed. As a result, these mata tabi dental sticks are completely safe for your cat even when used daily.
REMOVES BAD BREATH: The main reason why sticks are so popular among cat owners is the positive effect on improving the cat breath. In short, this matatabi chew toy awakens the cleaning system of your cat mouth in a completely safe way.
A DELICIOUS TREAT FOR YOUR CAT: More than that, cats simply love cat dental chew. They find cat dental sticks delicious. Thus, there is no resentment or struggle in feeding these treats for cats. These kittens' chew toys are actually enjoyable for cats.
HEALTH BOOST: These toys also accelerate a boost for improving the cat teeth and gums. The cat nips even act as a preventive measure against diseases. One such example is periodontal disease. Proper mouth hygiene is always an issue for cats and one of their weakness in personal care.